At approx 4.58PM UK time our website server has suffered critical network issues. Our main IP addresses for the server are not responding and we are awaiting further response from our service provider to resolve the issue.
All of your services are safe and secure, this is purely a network related issue which we hope will be restored asap but as ...
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40% OFF Web Hosting
Take advantage of our 40% off on our yearly web hosting packages. Using discount code OFFER40
Not only are you guaranteed great prices but you will also receive:
Fast SSD hosting
Premium 24/7 support
99.9% Uptime guarantee
30 day money back guarantee
*Limited time only. Only available on yearly ...
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We have just launched our new Dedicated Server offering which can be found here:
All of our dedicated servers are fully managed and come with 24/7 Premium ticket support with the choice of UK or USA servers.
DS – UK Starter
Intel Xeon D-1520 – 4c/8t – 2.2GHz /2.6GHz 32GB DDR4 ECC 2133 ...
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We have recently migrated to a new server to bring us in line with the latest hosting technologies. During this migration we were able to swap our normal hard drives out with SSD drives.
What does this mean for you?SSD drives read and write data at speeds which are 10x faster than standard hard drives.This means your website data will be loaded ...
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